Thunderbird Unified Folder Some Account Inbox Missing
Recently I’ve completed a “clean” migration to latest Thunderbird Supernova 115.5.0 Previously the auto update (Check for update on Thunderbird) didn’t work well for me. I’ve had issues like calendar invite missing, attachment cannot view in the email, sender name…
This Site is 18 Years Old
Believe it or not, this site has been “running” for 18 years, however there were updates for at least 8 years. I think I need to get back to writing some technical notes, I’m getting old and sometimes the brain…

How to Rsync from Remote Server to Synology
I hava a synology at home, mainly use to store important files, and realize beside have a backup of my server files on dropbox, may be it can have another copy in Synology as well. I explored the possibility of…

Are you a Programmer and Preparing for an Interview?
Are you a programmer and preparing for an upcoming interview? Are you preparing yourself well for upcoming interview when interviewer is throwing you some Coding Question? There is a site I found interesting, it’s called LeetCode LeetCode have list of…

Sublime Text Editor – Package Control
Today I found an interesting package to install on Sublime Text, may be I did not pay much attention on the sublime text tutorial online, but this seems to be one of the “must install” package on Sublime Text; which…
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