Error in suphp.c on line
Am experimenting suphp on several servers for security reason. During installation, I have encoutered few error messages and problems. Here are what I want to share;
Error in suphp.c on line xxx
After suphp installation, fire up apache web server. Misconfiguration error message displayed on the site, and it said, “read error log file”. tail the error file and you see;
[error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php
[error] [client] Error in suphp.c on line 236: UID of calling process mismatches
[error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php
[error] [client] Error in suphp.c on line 236: UID of calling process mismatches
This log doesn’t give you a clear picture on what is happening, suggest you tail on suphp.log file, and you will see;
[error] suPHP was called by hansome (8888), not by www
[error] suPHP was called by hansome (8888), not by www
If you have both of the error message shown above, most probably it’s misconfiguration on apache config file. Open httpd.conf, change the User to www insteady of others UID.
Have fun with suphp.