Subversion or SVN, Basic Tips for Beginner

Been using svn for years, but always couldn’t remember what are the steps for setting it up. Better put this down here, for my future reference and sharing with people who would like to start using subversion (svn). Lets start now;

Creating Subversion SVN repository

Start creating your svn repo by this command;

svnadmin create $SVNREP_DIR/project-name

Creating trunk, tags and branches directory

svn mkdir -m "trunk creation" file:///$SVNREP_DIR/myproject/trunk 
svn mkdir -m "tags creation" file:///$SVNREP_DIR/myproject/tags 
svn mkdir -m "branches creation" file:///$SVNREP_DIR/myproject/branches

I believe you already have your project in a working directory, import it into your svn repo;

svn import -m "importing my project" $PROJECT_DIR/project-name file:///$SVNREP_DIR/project-name/trunk

Now you have done the setup of your repository for your new project, to build a working copy of svn on your machine, start checking out the code into your working directory.

svn co file:///$SVNREP_DIR/project-name/truck $my_project_directory

This is the basic code repository setup for with svn.