How to Change MySQL Data Directory in Linux Centos
By default Linux CentOS or other Linux Distro installation, MySQL data directory is stored in /var/db/mysql, how can I change it to other directory in example /db/mysql? It is always better to have MySQL Data Directory store in a specific…
How to Find Out Public IP Address via Command Line in Unix/Linux Machine
If you have more than 100 servers in your network; behind a firewall; lazy to access to documentation. Here is the alternative option to find out your machine’s public IP Address via command line $ wget -q -O –…

How to Lock Your Machine and Display Application Screen
We have a couple monitoring applications running on our Linux desktop. To monitor server health, graph utilization through various network monitoring systems. Usually monitoring application required authentication and it will be a security issue if you left your Linux desktop…
How to Check Linux Version and Distro
Who run more than 10 Linux servers with different version of Linux Distro? We all know there are many type of Linux distro such as Ubuntu, Centos, Gentoo, Fedora, debian, OpenSUSE and etc. Every single distro runs on different version…
Linux/Unix Search and Replace Text from Multiple Files
In Linux/Unix, for newbie to do search text from multiple files/folder look like difficult, replacing string from file sound even harder. It’s actually not hard or complicated to search and replace text from multiple files in Unix/Linux. The key is…
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