Disappointed with 5 Day Used Yellow Discoloration Macbook in Malaysia

Suppose to be happy after I bought Apple MacBook. But it turned up very very sad yet disappointed with my 5 Days old Macbook. The palm rest surface and common keyboard keys and touch pad areas have spotted yellow discoloration….

Install X11 On Mac OSX

By default, X11 is not installed on Mac OSX. In order get most of X11 open source working, you got to configure X11 on your lovely Mac. Configuration X11 on Mac is pretty simple and straight forward. Step 1: Insert…

exim: rejected EHLO, syntactically invalid argument

If you email having problem with rejected EHLO or HELO, caused by syntactically invalid argument(s). Possible the hostname contains underscore(_). This is not standard practice, having _ for your domain for example takizo_mail.takizo.com Most of the mail server rejected hostname…

useful unix command: xargs

In our mailserver, we backup every incoming email and keep it for a week. Sometime, it’s PITA when you want to purge the old email. For example; [takizo@rooney backup]# rm -rf S0118* -bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long when come…