Mail Refresh Animation, Android or iOS Better?
Because sometimes it’s just fun to scream at each other for no reason, let’s figure this thing out. There are plenty of GIFs of Apple’s iOS Mail refresh animation. It’s squiggly, like an earthworm you’re stretching out and snapping back…

Twitter for Android Supports Multiple Account
Twitter for Android Supports Multiple Account Twitter for Android Supports Multiple Account, this has made my life easier, and also made it as the best Twitter Apps for Android. Twitter for Android Supports Multiple Account, a Big Thanks I believe…
Convert EDT timezone to GMT timezone
I am confused with several different timezones in the world. Planning to attend an online seminar but the date/time is stated in EDT, how do I convert into GMT+8, which is my country timezone? I usually refer to the timezone…
How to Check Paypal Pre-Approved Payment List
How can I check my list of preapproved payment list with Paypal? Here is the instruction of how to access to list of Preapproved Payment in your Paypal. After login to Paypal, on top of the menu, click on “Profile”….

How to Enable check_dns on Nagios Monitoring System
Most user who are new to Nagios doesn’t know there is a hidden plug-in called check_dns in Nagios Monitoring system. On FreeBSD server, the binary can be found at /usr/local/libexec/nagios. List the directory and you should see check_dns. check_dns usage…
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