Free eBook: Alternative DNS Servers
Grab this 747 pages DNS eBook for Free; Written by Jan-Piet Mens, titled “Alternative DNS Servers”. I glance through at the eBook and found several interesting topics for DNS deployments. Bind DLZ – The Bind extension which can store your…
How to Extend Apple Mac OSX to External Monitor Only
Happy to get myself a 23″ LED monitor, never realize how convenient it is to use 1920 x 1080 resolutions, I can now multiple on 9 terminals at one time, crazy huh? Here is how you can extend your Mac…

Top 20 Favorite Free WordPress Themes
One of the coolest stuff of using WordPress is the Free Themes. Some people buy premium theme for better design and management. I personally hardly spend buying premium theme, as I think it’s not necessary for me yet (for time…

Fixed Cacti Spine 0.8.7g Problem on FreeBSD
On latest release of Cacti Spine 0.8.7g, it has new Multi threaded host polling feature. After upgrade Cacti Spine from version 0.8.7e to 0.8.7g, the graphing stopped working on FreeBSD 8.1 box. When we check the process with “top” command,…
Building PHP Web App in 15 minutes with Symfony Framework
Last year, I gave a talk at Coscup 2009, an Open Source Conference in Taipei on PHP web development with Symfony Framework. You might interested to know what Symfony can help on rapid development on PHP, and here are the…
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