Convert EDT timezone to GMT timezone
I am confused with several different timezones in the world. Planning to attend an online seminar but the date/time is stated in EDT, how do I convert into GMT+8, which is my country timezone? I usually refer to the timezone…
How to Change MySQL Data Directory in Linux Centos
By default Linux CentOS or other Linux Distro installation, MySQL data directory is stored in /var/db/mysql, how can I change it to other directory in example /db/mysql? It is always better to have MySQL Data Directory store in a specific…
How to Find Out Public IP Address via Command Line in Unix/Linux Machine
If you have more than 100 servers in your network; behind a firewall; lazy to access to documentation. Here is the alternative option to find out your machine’s public IP Address via command line $ wget -q -O –…

How to Enable check_dns on Nagios Monitoring System
Most user who are new to Nagios doesn’t know there is a hidden plug-in called check_dns in Nagios Monitoring system. On FreeBSD server, the binary can be found at /usr/local/libexec/nagios. List the directory and you should see check_dns. check_dns usage…

Free eBook: Alternative DNS Servers
Grab this 747 pages DNS eBook for Free; Written by Jan-Piet Mens, titled “Alternative DNS Servers”. I glance through at the eBook and found several interesting topics for DNS deployments. Bind DLZ – The Bind extension which can store your…
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