How to Disallow or Rate Limit Web Server Mail in Exim
Recently one of the apache webserver’s vhost was compromise and allow spammer to use the script to perform massive outgoing email spam. As usual, due to un-patch WordPress’s engine from a user on the web server. Ended up the “hacker”…

How to Enable Subject Header Logging in Exim’s main_log
Yes, I have stopped writing since 2011 😉 All the latest posts are interesting article I read and wish to share with you. I’ve been maintaining a customer mailserver since 2003, growing from 30 users to 200+ users today, it…
exim, playing with mail queue in server
there are over thousand emails queue in our mail server, even though I have configured email frozen more than 10 days automatically delete/remove, but it seem like doesn’t work as expected. here is the work around if you plan to…
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