How to Enable Subject Header Logging in Exim’s main_log
Yes, I have stopped writing since 2011 😉 All the latest posts are interesting article I read and wish to share with you. I’ve been maintaining a customer mailserver since 2003, growing from 30 users to 200+ users today, it…
How to Find Out Public IP Address via Command Line in Unix/Linux Machine
If you have more than 100 servers in your network; behind a firewall; lazy to access to documentation. Here is the alternative option to find out your machine’s public IP Address via command line $ wget -q -O – http://ipchicken.com…
Reverse DNS Lookup with Dig
Reverse DNS, in simple explanation it means that resolve your IP address into hostname. Nowaday it became a must have requirement for mail server’s IP address. It is also one of the method to determine your mail server IP is…

Fixed Cacti Spine 0.8.7g Problem on FreeBSD
On latest release of Cacti Spine 0.8.7g, it has new Multi threaded host polling feature. After upgrade Cacti Spine from version 0.8.7e to 0.8.7g, the graphing stopped working on FreeBSD 8.1 box. When we check the process with “top” command,…

Setup Sendmail Smart Relay in FreeBSD
It’s good that to route all your outgoing email to a relay server for centralize management. Compiling Sendmail’s Smart Relay options in FreeBSD is slightly different from Linux machine. But it’s fairly easy to do so. Just follow the steps…
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